Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Outside in the falling dusk, I watch the sun set and night fall across my shoulders. The sky is a vast ocean, stretching infinitely-- no stars, no fallen moonbeams, just a deep and endless sea. I'd tumble in, if I could.

I'm feeling like a butterfly trapped inside a cocoon, struggling to emerge. My wings are stuck together with honey. They used to glitter in the sunlight, but it's been awhile since I've flown. One day, I hope.

Image from lifewithout on Tumblr.


  1. Oh my, this is gorgeous! I love the part about the sky being an ocean and you'd tumble in if you could.

    You will emerge from your cocoon; stunning and ready to fly. I know you will. <3

  2. darling, everything in this post is so magical. i love it.

  3. This post is so beautiful and magical, dear, I love it. <3 I also feel like a butterfly trapped inside a cacoon, but I know for certain that one day both of us will break through and fly away.
